Persons may be received into membership by any of the following methods:

Baptism: Baptism is a formal profession to the world that one has entered into the immersion of water and outward expression of entering regeneration. It is symbolic of having been buried with Christ and having risen with Him to new life for the salvation of our sins. Baptism is common to Christian Churches and membership into Second Baptist Church.

Letter: A person, who is in accord with the views of faith and principles of Second Baptist Church, may be received by letter from any other Christian Church. Letters may be accepted from churches of the Christian faith and order, and based on the individual’s profession of their belief in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Because of mobility and ecumenical thrust, persons from other Christian denominations may be accepted into membership with Second Baptist Church.

Christian Experience: A believer who formerly has been a member of a Christian Church, and who is in accord with the views of faith and principles of Second Baptist Church, may be received upon a statement of Christian experience. Because of mobility and ecumenical thrust, persons from other Christian denominations may be accepted into membership with Second Baptist Church.

Restoration: A person, who is a believer, has left Second Baptist Church and returns, may be considered for a restored membership upon his/her request to the Second Baptist Church.

Watchcare: A person who is a believer, a member of another Christian Church and is living or visiting in the community may be received into fellowship with Second Baptist Church; however, this person in not considered to be a member. Individuals under watchcare status can participate in auxiliaries, but cannot serve as officers within the Church (appointed positions) or vote at church meetings.